Sunday, December 27, 2015

Relief Society 2016 Curriculum
Teachings of the Presidents of the Church- Howard W. Hunter

03-Jan  Relief Society Presidency -The Life and Ministry of Howard W. Hunter -Lori Beckstrand
10-Jan  Ch 1-Jesus Christ-Our Only Way to Hope and Joy -Jeannie Johnson
17-Jan  Ch 2-"My Peace I Give unto You" -Silvana Gardner
24-Jan   Stake Conference
31-Jan   "Chosen to Bear Testimony of My Name" by Elder Bednar -
07-Feb  Relief Society Presidency -Janeal Wuthrich
14-Feb  Ch 3-Adversity-Part of God's Plan for Our Eternal Progress -Jeannie Johnson
21-Feb  Ch 4-Help from on High -Silvana Gardner
28-Feb  "Keep the Commandments" by President Monson -
06-Mar  Relief Society Presidency -Jolene Jeppson
13-Mar  Ch 5-Joseph Smith, Prophet of the Restoration -Jeannie Johnson
20-Mar  Ch 6-The Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ -Silvana Gardner
27-Mar  "Be Not Afraid, Only Believe" by President Uchtdorf -
03-Apr  General Conference
10-Apr  Ch 7-Continuous Revelation through Living Prophets -Jeannie Johnson
17-Apr  Ch 8-Taking the Gospel to All the World -Silvana Gardner
24-Apr  "Meeting the Challenges of Today's World" by Elder Hales -
01-May  Relief Society Presidency -Lori Beckstrand
08-May  Ch 9-The Law of Tithing -Jeannie Johnson
15-May  Ch 10-The Scriptures-The Most Profitable of All Study -Silvana Gardner
22-May  "Behold Thy Mother" by Elder Holland -
29-May  Combined Priesthood & Relief Society
05-Jun  Relief Society Presidency -Janeal Wuthrich
12-Jun  Ch 11-True Greatness -Jeannie Johnson
19-Jun  Stake Conference
26-Jun  Teachings or our times
03-Jul  Relief Society Presidency -Lori Beckstrand
10-Jul  Ch 12-Come Back and Feast at the Table of the Lord -Jeannie Johnson
17-Jul  Ch 13-The Temple-The Great Sumbol of Our Membership -Silvana Gardner
24-Jul  Teachings of our times
31-Jul   Combined Priesthood & Relief Society
07-Aug  Relief Society Presidency -Jolene Jeppson
14-Aug  Ch 14-Hastening Family History and Temple Work -Jeannie Johnson
21-Aug  Ch 15-The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper -Silvana Gardner
28-Aug  Teachings of our times
04-Sep  Relief Society Presidency -Janeal Wuthrich
11-Sep  Ch 16-Marriage-An Eternat Partnership -Jeannie Johnson
18-Sep  Ch 17-Preserve and Protect the Family -Silvana Gardner
25-Sep  Teachings of our times
02-Oct  General Conference
09-Oct  Ch 18-We Believe in Being Honest -Jeannie Johnson
16-Oct  Ch 19-Our Commitment to God -Silvana Gardner
23-Oct  Teachings of our times
30-Oct  Combined Priesthood & Relief Society
06-Nov  Relief Society Presidency -Jolene Jeppson
13-Nov  Ch 20-Walking the Savior's Path of Charity -Jeannie Johnson
20-Nov  Ch 21-Faith and Testimony -Silvana Gardner
27-Nov  Teachings of our times
04-Dec  Relief Society Presidency -Lori Beckstrand
11-Dec  Ch 22-Teaching the Gospel -Jeannie Johnson
18-Dec  Ch 23-"No Less Serviceable" -Silvanna Gardner
25-Dec  Teachings of our times

Ch 24-Following the Example of Jesus Christ

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Service Ideas

Sister Jeppson gave a lesson on Sunday about service and we wanted to give you some ideas of where to look for ideas to serve this Christmas season.  Merry Christmas to you all!!

The Giving List - Studio 5 Segment Dec. 4, 2015. you can also go to

Page 4 of this month's Ensign also gives suggestions. Go to

Friday, September 25, 2015

Tom Ramage

We wanted to make you all aware that Tom Ramage passed away on Wednesday. 

Graveside services will be held Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 11 a.m. at the Kaysville City Cemetery, 500 East Crestwood Road.  
There will be a viewing Monday from 6 to 8 p.m. and Tuesday from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the Lindquist’s Kaysville Mortuary, 400 North Main. 

We will be putting together a luncheon on Tuesday and will contact you with more information.  

If you would like to donate toward a gift please contact a member of the RS Presidency.  

Please keep Renee and her family in your prayers.

Bountiful Food Pantry

The Bishop is encouraging us to donate directly to the Bountiful Food Pantry tomorrow Saturday Sept. 26th.  Thank you for your willingness to help!

The following is the letter from the Food Pantry:

Hunger Action Month Food Drive, Saturday, September 26, 2015

                September is Hunger Action Month nation-wide and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Utah are encouraged to donate non-perishable food during this year’s Food Drive scheduled for Saturday, September 26, 2015. This single-day food drive is hosted by Utah Food Bank and community hunger relief agencies with local food pantries and Wal-Mart stores serving as drop-off locations statewide. Food donations will benefit the statewide food assistance network, including regional food banks and community food pantries.

Startling statistics show that 17% of Utahns are at risk of hunger and 1 in 5 Utah children might miss a meal today due to a lack of resources. Food pantries statewide are reporting that food assistance is still in high demand due to current economic conditions. Please help by filling any box, bag or container with food donations to help Utahans in need. High protein and nutritious items such as canned meats, peanut butter and canned vegetables and fruit are especially needed. Financial donations are also accepted at or checks can be made out to Bountiful Community Food pantry, 480 East 150 North, Bountiful, UT 84010.

We appreciate those who are joining us in the fight against hunger.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Relief Society 2015 Curriculum
Teachings of the Presidents of the Church- Ezra Taft Benson

04-Jan Relief Society Presidency (Perspective)- Jolene Jeppson
11-Jan Ch 1-The Great Commandment- Love the Lord- Jeannie Johnson
18-Jan Ch 2-Pray Always- Silvana Gardner
25-Jan Stake Conference
01-Feb Relief Society Presidency (Love)- Gaylene Walker
08-Feb Ch 3- Freedom of Choice, An Eternal Principle – Jeannie Johnson
15-Feb Ch 4- Living Joyfully in Troubled Times- Silvana Gardner
22-Feb “Lord is It I?” and “Living the Gospel Joyful” by President Uchtdorf- Lori Beckstrand
01-Mar Relief Society Presidency (Conversion)- Janeal Wuthrich
08-Mar Ch 5- Priniples of True Repentance- Jeannie Johnson
15-Mar Ch 6- Jesus Christ, Our Savior and Redeemer- Silvana Gardner
22-Mar “Yes, Lord, I Will Follow Thee” by Elder Gavarret – Lori Beckstrand
29-Mar Combined Priesthood & Relief Society
05-Apr General Conference
12-Apr Ch 7- Joseph Smith, an instrument in the Hands of the Lord- Jeannie Johnson
19-Apr Ch 8- The Power of the Word – Silvana Gardner
26-Apr “Free Forever, to Act for Themselves” by Elder Christofferson -Lori Beckstrand
03-May Relief Society Presidency (Discipleship) -Jolene Jeppson
10-May Ch 9- The Book of Mormon- Keystone of Our Religion – Jeannie Johnson
17-May Ch 10- Flooding the Earth and Our Lives with The Book of Mormon – Silvana Gardner
24-May “Are We Not All Beggars?” by Elder Holland – Lori Beckstrand
31-May Combined Priesthood & Relief Society
07-Jun Relief Society Presidency -Gaylene Walker
14-Jun Ch 11- Follow the Living Prophet -Cindy Christensen
21-Jun Stake Conference
28-Jun “On Being Genuine” by President Uchtdorf – Lori Beckstrand
05-Jul Relief Society Presidency – Janeal Wurhrich
12-Jul Ch 12- Seek the Spirit in All You Do -Jeannie Johnson
19-Jul Ch 13- Priceless Blessings of The House of The Lord – Silvana Gardner
26-Jul “Waiting for the Prodigal” by Elder Nielsen– Sherrie Gillette
02-Aug Relief Society Presidency – Jolene Jeppson
09-Aug Ch 14- Marriage and Family- Ordained of God -Jeannie Johnson
16-Aug Ch 15- The Sacred Callings of Fathers and Mothers -Silvana Gardner
23-Aug “Truly Good and Without Guile” by Elder Ringwood – Lori Beckstrand
30-Aug Combined Priesthood & Relief Society
06-Sep Relief Society Presidency – Becky Godwin
13-Sep Ch 16- The Elderly in The Church – Jeannie Johnson
20-Sep Ch 17- Keeping the Law of Chastity – Silvana Gardner
27-Sep “Filling Our Homes with Light and Truth” by Sister Esplin – Dixie Taft
04-Oct General Conference
11-Oct Ch 18- Beware of Pride – Jeannie Johnson
18-Oct Ch 19- Leadership – Silvana Gardner
25-Oct “Priesthood and Personal Prayer” by President Eyring
01-Nov Relief Society Presidency – Janeal Wuthrich
08-Nov Ch 20- “Feed My Sheep” -Jeannie Johnson
15-Nov Ch 21- Principles of Temporal and Spiritual Welfare -Silvana Gardner
22-Nov “Therefore They Hushed Their Fears” by Elder Bednar
29-Nov Combined Priesthood & Relief Society
06-Dec Relief Society Presidency – Jolene Jeppson
13-Dec Ch 22- Carrying the Gospel to the World – Jeannie Johnson
20-Dec Ch 23- “Strengthen Thy Stakes” -Silvana Gardner
27-Dec Teachings of our time

Ch 24- A Christ Centered Life

updated Sept 2015

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Super Saturday

Super Saturday is Coming!!  October 24th 9am-1pm.  Here's a peak at the fun things we'll have to make:

T-Shirt Scarves

Blanket with Decorative Edge

No-Sew Felt Pillow

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Fresh Produce Basket

It's that time of year again!  If you have produce that you just aren't going to use before it goes bad bring it to church on Sunday and we will have a basket you can put it in and share it with your neighbors.  Then take what you can use.  It's a win-win situation.  Thanks All!!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Ogden Cannery Assignment

We need 4 volunteers for this Saturday August 1st at the Ogden Cannery from 1:00pm-4:30pm.  Please let a member of the Presidency know if you are available to help.  Thanks for all that you do!!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Mike Kalawaia's Father's Funeral Information

We just wanted to make you aware that Mike Kalawaia's Father passed away on Sunday and his Funeral information is as follows:

The viewing is Sunday July 19th at Holbrook Mortuary, 3251 South 2300 East in Salt Lake
from 6:00 to 8:00 PM
The funeral is Monday July 20th at the Emerson ward - 808 East Roosevelt Ave in Salt Lake
There is a viewing at the church that morning from 10 to 10:30 and the funeral is at 11:00.

Please keep the Kalawaia's in your prayers!!

Monday, April 27, 2015


Upcoming, May 3, 2015  Relief Society Presidency -Jolene Jeppson
                 May 10, 1015 Chapter 9 The book of Mormon- Keystone of Our Religion-Jeannie Johnson

April 26, 2015 "Free Forever, to Act for Themselves" By Elder Christofferson- Lori Beckstrand
      Christ died not to save indiscriminately but to offer repentance. We rely “wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save” in the process of repentance, but acting to repent is a self-willed change. So by making repentance a condition for receiving the gift of grace, God enables us to retain responsibility for ourselves. Repentance respects and sustains our moral agency: “And thus mercy can satisfy the demands of justice, and encircles them in the arms of safety, while he that exercises no faith unto repentance is exposed to the whole law of the demands of justice; therefore only unto him that has faith unto repentance is brought about the great and eternal plan of redemption.”

April 19, 2015  Chapter 8 The Power of the Word- Silvana Gardner
     "The word of God, as found in the scriptures, in the words of living prophets, and in personal revelation, has the power to fortify the Saints and arm them with the Spirit so they can resist evil, hold fast to the good, and find joy in this life."
We need our daily Iron, read the Scriptures

April 12, 2015  Chapter 7  Joseph Smith, an instrument in the Hands of the Lord- Jeannie Johnson
      The Prophet Joseph was commanded to go forth as an instrument in the hands of God and organize the Church, to publish to the world as an added testimony to the divinity of Jesus Christ, the Book of Mormon which was taken from the sacred records....
     This restoration of the gospel, the bringing back of light and truth, is intended for the benefit and blessing of all God's children.  And so, humbly and gratefully, our missionaries go out into the world to proclaim that there has been an apostasy from the truth, but that through the goodness of God the heavens have again been opened and the gospel revealed unto man through Joseph Smith, the Prophet.