Sunday, June 1, 2014

Spotlighting...Amber Ellis

What is your full name? Amber Chadwick Ellis

Were you named after someone?  Who? Not named after anyone, however my mom always knew, even when she was a little girl, that her daughter’s name would be Amber.

Where were you born? Salt Lake City

What is your favorite movie? Probably one of the Harry Potter movies (I love them all, and can’t pick one specifically).

What is your favorite book? Harry Potter

What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time? Ride my horses, go to sporting events and spend time with my family.

What is your all-time favorite recipe?  Please share the recipe. Me cook…ha ha that’s funny!  My favorite meal is probably grilled ham and cheese and tomato soup (poor ChrisJ).

If you only had one day left on Earth, what would you do? Spend the time with my family and my animals.

What is your dream car? Probably a truck…with a horse trailer attached.

Who is one person you think you would be friends with if they lived in our time or you had a chance to meet them?  Why? Harry Potter J

What have you done that makes you proud of yourself? (Don’t be shy, we are happy for your accomplishments and we are asking you to share them)  Being a mom.

In your opinion, what is your best physical trait? My Eyes

What is your favorite scripture? 1 Nephi 3:7

What is your favorite RS/Visiting Teaching memory? I love being a part of relief society, and the family relationship I feel I have with all the sisters in the ward.  My greatest memory was probably when I had Sierra, and was so amazed at the love and support we received from everyone in the ward, especially the sisters in the relief society. 

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