What is your full name? Brittany Ingersoll Nelson, I was always jealous of my siblings because I was the only one that wasn’t given a middle name.
Were you named after someone? Who?My parents wanted to name me Brittania, but the nurse said “I always thought Brittany was a beautiful name” So, I wasn’t named after someone but the nurse named me, and I am so grateful.
Where were you born?Logan, Utah
What is your favorite movie?This is a hard one, because I have a hard time watching any movie more than once. I do really like the Mummy, and I like romantic comedies. Pretty much anything that makes me laugh that isn’t crude. Try Extreme Days it’s hilarious.
What is your favorite book? There are too many, I read at least one new book a month. I know, I don’t know how I find the time either.
What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?What’s spare time? If I had a lot of spare time I would sew more, and craft more,cook, I’m sort of a hobby junkie.
What is your all-time favorite recipe? Please share the recipe. Peppermint torte. I found it on pinterest, and made it for Christmas and it is truly amazing, but it takes an entire day to make. So, I will share this recipe instead,my favorite day to day food is baked Tilapia, it is a lot easier and delicious. However, if you want to make peppermint torte give me a call and I’ll email it to you.
If you only had one day left on Earth, what would you do?I’d spend the day in the mountains with my beautiful family and appreciate all the things Heavenly Father has blessed me with.
What is your dream car? A 1957 Chevy Bel air, in powder blue. I like the convertible, but I like the paint job better on the standard. Can you tell I was raised at car shows?
Who is one person you think you would be friends with if they lived in our time or you had a chance to meet them? Why? Wow, that is a tough one. I would really like to learn to live like a pioneer, so any of those amazing ancestral women. I would love to learn their day to day first hand, and know how they did it. But I would love to come home to my air conditioning and modern appliances after a week or so.
What have you done that makes you proud of yourself? (Don’t be shy, we are happy for your accomplishments and we are asking you to share them) I am so proud of being a mom to so many kids and not losing my mind from one day to the next. I’m grateful that I had so many life experiences that lead me to fostercare. I love all of my children and I am so proud of each one.
In your opinion, what is your best physical trait? I really like being short (Vaughn calls it “cute and little”) I used to hate it, but I am amazed all the time what this little engine can do.
What is your favorite scripture?Ether 12:6 “And now,I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.”
What is your favorite RS/Visiting Teaching memory? In Nov. 2009 I was pregnant and half way through the pregnancy our baby died unexpectedly. I went home and was sitting on the couch with my mom, and my visiting teacher just stopped by. She had been in town running errands and had this sudden prompting to get me a “treat” and stop by. I hadn’t even called my Bishop yet. She came in and just seemed to know that something wasn’t right and gave me a huge hug. My mom told her what had happened, it was too fresh for me to talk about. My visiting teacher rearranged her entire day, she picked my kids up from school, brought us dinner, made sure my kids were taken care of while I was in the hospital. She even took my kids to and from school for the next week. It wasn’t all the big things she did that mattered to me, although I was very grateful, but just the fact that she cared enough to stop by, and listened to the promptings of the Spirit. I will be forever grateful for her in my life.
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