Sunday, June 1, 2014

Spotlighting...Suzanne Martin

What is your full name?  Suzanne Marchant Martin

Were you named after someone?  Who?  No.  My parents just liked the name and didn’t give me a middle name because they felt like Suzanne was long enough and felt like two names.

Where were you born?  Bountiful, Utah

What is your favorite movie?  Ever after and Princess Bride.  I love movies that are in the medieval time.  Where good always wins!!

What is your favorite book? The Book of Mormon.  I love to read it and cross-reference to the other scriptures.  I also love the Kingdom and the Crown Series or The Promise Land series because I learn more about the gospel in a fictional way.

What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?  Hang out with my family, especially camping in the mountains riding 4-wheelers, fishing, playing games, eating yummy food and sitting around the campfire.  I also love to do handwork of all kinds, play the piano, and snow ski and water ski (when I get the chance).

What is your all-time favorite recipe?  
I have a lot of favorites, but one that has been a favorite from when I was little was my Mom’s cheesecake.  I would rather have that for my birthday than a real cake so she always made it for me.

If you only had one day left on Earth, what would you do?  Gather my family around and tell them how much I love them and how grateful I am that I was blessed to be their wife and mother.  Then spend the rest of the day with them doing whatever they want to do.

What is your dream car?  I really don’t have one.  I’m just grateful to have a dependable car that will provide for us the things we like to do and the needs we have.

Who is one person you think you would be friends with if they lived in our time or you had a chance to meet them?  Why?  I would like to know Emma Smith.  I am amazed by her and what I know about her life.  I really admire all that she did.

What have you done that makes you proud of yourself? (Don’t be shy, we are happy for your accomplishments and we are asking you to share them)  Becoming a Mom, surviving the hard times, enjoying the good times, seeing my children grow physically and spiritually and becoming successful adults.  They are my graduation certificates.

In your opinion, what is your best physical trait?  My auburn hair and my smile as my Mom would say.

What is your favorite scripture?  D&C 84:88

And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face, I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.

What is your favorite RS/Visiting Teaching memory?  I just love visiting teaching and being able to meet and care for so many of my wonderful sisters in the gospel.  I love that we will always be friends after we have been visiting teachers.

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