Sunday, June 1, 2014

Spotlighting...Dana Murphy

What is your full name? Dana Renae Murphy

Were you named after someone? Who?  I was going to be Dina but my mom thought that was too close to Dino, the dinosaur, so they went with Dana.  They just liked it.

Where were you born? I am a proud, potato lovin’ Idaho girl.  Pocatello to be exact.

What is your favorite movie?  I absolutely love “Life is Beautful” but I can’t watch it since having kids…too sad.  But, the one I watch the most is “Pride and Prejudice” (the new one)  I am a rewatcher. 

What is your favorite book?  I’m not crazy about novels.  I am a self-help book girl through and through.  My favorite right now is the Child Whisperer.

What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time? Be alone.  I have to have time to decompress and be alone and think or I will freak out…and that never goes well ;).

What is your all-time favorite recipe? I can’t get enough of this.  Just click and it will take you there. Lemon Garlic Shrimp  - I don't use caper brine and I use more garlic and a little more butter.  I put it over linguine and it is to. die. for.  especially when you are pregnant for some reason.

If you only had one day left on Earth, what would you do?  Hang out at home with my family.  I love home.

What is your dream car?  A truck for Dan so he can haul stuff and feel more manly.

Who is one person you think you would be friends with if they lived in our time or you had a chance to meet them? Why?  Oh how I would love to have lunch with Marjorie Hinckley!!  I would just take in her wisdom and I think we would laugh together.

What have you done that makes you proud of yourself? (Don’t be shy, we are happy for your accomplishments and we are asking you to share them)  I am proud that I followed my own path and moved to NY to be a nanny and did not go to college immediately after high school even though I felt pressure to.  I am also proud that I put myself through college with very little help from my parents.

In your opinion, what is your best physical trait?  I always joke that my hair is my “one beauty” because I LOVE “Little Women” and Amy says that to Jo when she chops her hair.  I also like my blue eyes.  All nine people in my family have blue eyes. 

What is your favorite scripture?  Alma 18:34-35
“Ammon said unto him:  I am a man and man in the beginning was created after the image of God, and a I am called by his Holy Spirit to teach these things unto this people, that they may be brought to a knowledge of that which is just and true; and a portion of that Spirit dwelleth in me which giveth me knowledge and also power according to my faith and desires which are in God.”

What is your favorite visiting teaching/RS moment? Probably making the slide show for the Christmas Dinner this year and crying every time I watched it (and I watched it a lot!) because I love all of you ladies so much!

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